Sunshine and Shearwater Updates!

There has been plenty of sunshine this week which has been welcomed by all and meant the island can dry out a little after all the heavy rain in March. Views of the East Coast in the glorious sunshine on the 28th © Alys Perry. Griff the island sheepdog cooling off in a trough after a morning walk in the sunshine © Alys Perry. In between welcoming more visitors to the island we received and sorted a delivery of new gates and gates posts which will be put in later in the season. We finished cleaning the volunteer accommodation so it is now ready for our first volunteers to arrive this weekend. We monitored more chough nest sites and checked our Manx Shearwater study plots too. In addition, we held our first in-person team meeting of the season which was great and meant that Greg could get out to Ramsey for the first time this year. We also welcomed Duran to the island who will be conducting invertebrate surveys for us in collaboration with previous research work co...